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Heretaunga Marae Waakainga

Te Rau Tau o te Whare Tipuna o Kahuranaki Marae

Te Rau Tau o te Whare Tipuna o Kahuranaki Marae

Te Rau Tau o te Whare Tipuna o Kahuranaki Marae

(1876-1913; 1915-2015)

 23rd March 2020

For whānau with whakapapa links to Kahuranaki Marae:

The marae trustees have decided that in light of the escalation of the COVID – 19 risk and the need to protect the health/ safety of our whānau, hapū and manuhiri we have to revise our kawa for hui tāngata ora and hui tāngata mate. This announcement follows other marae who are facing the same challenge and made the same hard decision. The reason is the tikanga of manaakitanga where we cannot guarantee the health and safety of our whanau/ manuhiri on our marae. As things change so can the decisions that are made but at present we must comply with the most recent directions.

Hui Tangata Ora
All current Marae bookings for the next 6 months have been cancelled where there was planned hosting. Any new bookings will need to be considered in light of the latest information from the Ministry of Health but under level 2 at present it would not be appropriate to hold hui/ wānanga/ birthdays etc. because of the emphasis on isolation and social distancing. Until the risk is under control.

Hui Tangata Mate/ Tangihanga
In the event of a tangi/ mate we would ask that whānau keep their mate at their homes for the duration of the tangihanga. The marae will allow the tūpāpaku to come to the marae on the day of burial. The tupapaku can lay in state on the mahau for the time of the whakatau and then taken to the urupā or crematorium. There will be no hākari at the marae. This will enable the practice of our tikanga and kawa (although in a reduced capacity) and is similar to our hapu response in the 1918 Spanish epidemic. In these instances we do not expect our kuia/ kaumātua/ pākeke/ whānau to attend out of obligation to uphold tikanga (pae karanga and pae kōrero etc.) given they are the most vulnerable.

The marae encourages social distancing to mitigate the spread of disease. The practice of Harirū/ Hongi will not be practiced during this time, rather once the whaikōrero is finished, a karakia will be given to whakanoa. The option of Te Tukemata (eyebrow lift) or Toro mai to ringa (mutual thumb to nose extension with no touching) should be encouraged.

We appreciate your understanding at this time and will review/ update as the virus is contained.

If you don’t already have a reference point then here is the MOH COVID -19 website link: MOH Website - COVID 19

Kia kaha tātou i tēnei wā uaua rawa atu. Mā te Atua tātou katoa e manaaki, e tiaki.

Kahuranaki Marae Trustees


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